With the Kids

Crafty Garden Markers

Summer is for gardening right? The weather is perfect, the sun is shining, and it’s the perfect time to be out there in the garden. We’ve just planted our summer garden and needed a few markers to label our vegetables. So we made these fun and easy foam garden markers that will make it through any rainy days. They will also help us remember what we planted. It’s a win win! Plus they add a touch of whimsy because they’re so cute! You’re going to want to make a bunch for your garden.

Craft Garden Marker

Crafty Garden Markers

Supplies for Garden Markers:

  • craft foam sheets
  • craft popsicle sticks
  • hot glue (for an adult)
  • scissors (kid friendly)
  • permanent markers

Garden Marker Supplies

On the craft foam sheets, have your child draw the shape of the vegetable, try to use the same color of foam as the real veggie. Then have them cut it out around the drawn veggie, or you can cut it out for them. Also write the name of the veggie onto the front of the cut out shape. It’s good to write the words, giving them more exposure to reading.

Draw Garden Sticks

For the adult, hot glue the foam veggie onto a craft popsicle stick and let them dry. Now they’re ready for the garden.

Vegetable Garden Markers

We also made some garden markers for my herb garden. But we used white foam squares and drew the picture onto that instead of in a shape.

Herb Garden Markers

These are going to help us remember what we’ve got growing in our garden. We’re just awaiting the spoils. I love being able to use fresh produce from our own yard in our meals. It’s so satisfying! What are some of your favorite things to grow in a garden?

Try these other garden projects too:




  1. StuffMomsWant – Mine have lasted this last week with hail, rain, and the heat. So we’ll see. I did have one of the signs get torn off the stick from the lawn mower though. I’ll just need to hot glue it back on. :)

  2. Way cute! I want to make these with my guys. I’m wondering how they’ll stand up to the weather. We get a lot of 90 and 100 degree plus days here.

  3. These are adorable. I’m totally doing this. (We’re getting ready to plant on Saturday.) Marie to the rescue, once again :>

  4. I new to gardening so this is a great idea. Last year I used plastic spoons as my stakes and put the seed packets over the spoon part to ID my plants. To keep them from totally disintegrating from the rain, I put plastic baggies over them but this will work so much better! Thanks for a great idea!

  5. Those are some great looking markers, I love this! Anything that gets kids interested in gardening is a favorite of mine! Thanks so much for sharing this, I’ll be linking.

  6. great idea! I wouldn’t think of using craft foam for the plant stakes. Alot cheaper than other materials. my kids are going to really enjoy doing this. Thanks.

  7. letting by boys make garden markers is a great idea ~ they will feel so included and apart of things. good idea!

  8. These markers are great. I buy my plants already sprouted, so I usually just stick the little tag that’s in the original pot by my veggies when I plant them. However, this is so much cuter. Thanks for the idea.

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