From the Kitchen

Spelling Out Summer with Sunflower Cookies

I was inspired to create some cute cookies from my neighbors sunflowers that are growing bright and yellow. Doesn’t this image simply spell s-u-m-m-e-r?!

Here are the cookies that came from the inspiration, even though it might be a little bit of a stretch. But we get to use candy corn (one of my favorite candies) for something other than Halloween!!

Supplies for Sunflower Cookies:

  • small, flat cookies – we used this recipe for cake mix cookies with a yellow cake mix.
  • candy corn
  • chocolate chips
  • frosting – yellow or white is best
  • knife or spatula

1. Make your favorite batch of cookies, as really any good batch will do.
2. Frost your cookies with icing.
3. Add candy corns pointing outward, creating petals of the sunflowers.
4. Now place chocolate chips all over the center for the sunflower seeds.

Kids will have fun making any kind of shape or creation from these ingredients. No need to hold them to making only sunflowers. My daughter is just piling it all on and my son is making some sort of alien creature! Here’s to summer!


  1. Those have to be the cutest cookies I’ve seen in a long time! I know my boys would have a blast making them!

  2. These are so cute! Not to mention that I love candy corn….I’d probably gobble these up myself pretty good!

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