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Celebrate with Frozen Yogurt Chocolate Cake


  • 1 pkg. chocolate cake mix
  • 1 pint heavy whipping cream – whip until very stiff & sweeten with sugar
  • 3 cartons of cherry yogurt – pre-stirred colorful & firm Yoplait works really well. (Any flavor of yogurt will do, cherry just has a bright pink color.)


  1. Mix and pour batter into 2 or 3 rounds and bake as directed on the box. Once the cakes have cooled, take each layer out of their pans and freeze until firm, (couple of hours). This helps with handling them when they get placed on top of each other. If your using 2 rounds, slice them into 4 layers. If you used 3 rounds, keep them as is. (You can make this cake simply as cupcakes or in a 9×13 pan as well.)
  2. Fold cream and yogurt together. Frost each layer of cake generously using a spatula. Then freeze the whole cake for several hours or overnight until firm.
  3. When you’re ready to serve this frozen cake, pull it from the freezer 15 to 20 minutes before to thaw. It’s fun to see the contrast in colors from the dark chocolate and pink yogurt. It makes a great Ice Cream Cake alternative.